Notice of Museum AGM
Please be aware that the museum AGM will be conducted by a Zoom Conference Call on Saturday 9 January 2021. (updated web posting 27 12 20)
Here is a link AGM notices
As the meeting is on-line, some procedural and guidance notes will be given how the meeting will be conducted with so many participants.
By Order of the Board & Directors M C Stanbury, Secretary Agenda for the Main Meeting
1. Election of a Chairman for the Meeting
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Address by Museum Chairman Peter Martin.
4. Reading of address by Honorary President Sir Bob Russell
5. To approve and adopt the Trading Company’s accounts together with the reports respectively of the Directors and Financial Inspectors for the year ending 30th September 2019.
6. To approve and adopt the Trading Company’s accounts together with the reports respectively of the Directors and Financial Inspectors for the year ending 30th September 2019.
7. To appoint Community 360 as the Company’s Financial Inspectors.
8. To elect Peter Martin and Peter Robinson as a Directors of the Company. Proposed by Mike Stanbury and seconded by Mark Cornell.
9. To transact any other business which may properly be dealt with at an Annual General Meeting of the Trading Company.
10. To adopt the Museum’s Accounts together with the reports respectively of the Trustees and Financial Inspectors for the year ending 30th September 2019.
11. To appoint Community 360 as Financial Inspectors to the Museum.
12. Election of Trustees retiring by rotation. The Trustees retiring by rotation are Mike Stan bury and Peter Martin, who offer themselves for re-election
13. To elect the Officers of the Museum namely the Membership Secretary, the Magazine Editor, and three members of the Members Council. The members in post are respectively Darren Johnson, David Reeve, Brendan Sothcott, Allan Robinson and Nick Proud. All are willing to stand, no other nominations have been received. David Reeve is happy to continue as Magazine Editor, and Phil Ainsley as Newsletter Editor. No other nominations have been received.
14. To transact any other business which may properly be dealt with at an Annual
General Meeting.
15. Future Plans – an outline by the Trustees and a general discussion.
16. Closing Address by the Chairman.
Trustees Annual Report for the year 2018-2019 This is an abridged version is published in the AGM notices