Thursday, July 16, 2020

Longer term thinking


Vehicles on site, some longer-term thinking

In response to recent events, and part of an ongoing review, a new round of long term planning is being launched. Such planning is about aspiration, the direction to which should proceed. In retrospect earlier proposals for the eastern fields, for which planning permission was granted, was too ambitious. A disadvantage that was overlooked being the effect of taking the Restoration shed out of action for an extended period.

Since then our ambitions have been tempered by what is thought more achievable, a planning proposal championed by Peter and Allan Robinson developed the idea of an Exhibition Hall - this has several advantages. It is now awaiting a decision for the planning officer public consultation has been completed, and we expect results very soon (target date next week 23rd July).

What hopefully is acknowledged by the planning authority, is that a smaller and less costly construction also has merit. An exhibition will more closely meet the museum needs for under cover and display purposes. Retaining the engineering Restoration shed and reducing the problems of earthworks should aid the construction process.

Proposals concerning the future items of rolling stock in the eyes of both enthusiasts and more importantly the public, have been sent to the Board of Trustees. Based on an evaluation of Heads of Department, documents submitted by Mark House are a base to which a new plan can be written, and consideration given to what is restored and displayed where. It will raise questions of relevance/restoration cost and ability/and the practicality of use of vehicles.

 Looking forward, the next steps will be determined by the Trustees, it is expected that consultation will follow, to debate and collectively decide what action is required. Questions to be answered include, what is valuable, what can be restored in what time frame, potential disposals and what may be missing from our vehicle collection.